This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!
If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible.
If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know.
And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.
— Mark
This is Chapter 2 of “Dragon Boy and the Quest of the Sheath” by Judah
Chapter two The War Will Begin Chapter two Snake woke up in cold sweat. What was that about? He wondered. The last thing he had seen in his dream was the night sky coming closer and closer till he was practically touching it. Had he just seen the future. Snake...
This is Chapter 1 from a new story from Judah called “Dragon Boy and the Quest for the Sheath”
Here’s chapter one of a story I‘m writing called dragon boy and the quest for the sheath. Tell me if I made any mistakes When the time is right and the moon is bright, Chapter one Snake walked along the busy cobblestone road lined with merchants and people going...
Here is Chapter 6 of “Rise of the Wither King” book 2 by Sky
Chapter 6: command block After all of the villagers adapted the darkness, they can see a chest placed on the corner of the cage, all their weapon and armor and even food and building blocks were been taken away from then, in the chest held 15 rotted apple, 5...
This is the unfinished “The Days – a Minecraft Novel” by AJ
The Days - A Minecraft novel I just got home from school. School is always the same BORING schedule, Ms. Gavalon’s monstrous math class, lunch, recess, Mme Suzan’s frightening french class, another lunch and recess, and finally my favorite class… Mr. Simon's...
Here are Chapters 1, 2, and 3 from “Rise of the Wither King” book 2 by Sky
Rise of the wither king: darken soul chapter 1: sword of apocalypse “Hey gameknight” crafter moved to gameknight’s side and whispered in his ear “did you realize that the wither skeleton from others there act a little weird after he got his hand on that black...
Here is Sky’s full version of “Rise of the Wither King”
Rise Of The Wither King Chapter 1: a new threat? It’s been a long time after the death of the zombie king: Xa-Tul, and the enderman king: Feyd in the zombie town where he rescued Herder and other fellow villagers, Gameknight haven’t seen any big threats...
Check out “Rise of the Animals” Book 1, Chapter 3 from Otterlord5000
The Tavern Visitor. There once was a tavern high in the Simpson desert. It was home to many Golden eagles. And it wasn’t just a tavern. There was a hotel, a church, and the tavern itself. The citzens would go to the tavern to drink. The soldiers would come to the...
Here’s Chapter 2 of “The Virus Returns” from WonderWriter2000
Phantom Spies Gameknight walked quietly through the passages that led from the crafting chamber. He couldn’t believe how much work the villagers had put into it- besides the tunnels leading from village to village they had made store rooms, extra bedrooms,...
Here’s “Lost in the Mushroom Kingdom” written by Stanley
INTRODUCTION If your pet runs off and gets lost, do you dare go after it? Pets eh? Not the smartest bunch. How many have you lost? Not, like, they ran head-first into a creeper kind of lost, but they actually ran off and got lost-lost. That’s what happened to me....
This story is “Herder’s Adventure” by Judah
Herders adventure Herder I ran through the underbrush, my sword at my side. As I did a wolf joined me followed by another and another. Soon fifty of them were at my side howling...
This is chapter 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 of “Rise of the Wither King” by Sky
Chapter 15: the redstone accidentCrafter is now up in the netherack ceiling why gameknight, and the wither skeletons are fighting the blazes, they had the blazes surrounded and pushing them into the crater, hunter, stitcher and the archers of any kind are now firing...
This is Chapter 3 from “Angel of Era” from Torah
Chapter 3 When I woke, I immediately noted that I felt much better. Opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful room full of sunlight, sweet sounds of birds chirping, and musical laughter. I pulled back the soft silken sheets on the large bed I was in and swung my legs...
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