
Here’s another interview from ObsidianPhoenix

Interview Two. File Under : Transformers, Primeverse, Optimus Prime interview.(Key: Int = Interviewer. OP = Optimus Prime. CM = Camera Man{AKA Dan}.) Int: Hello, readers, and welcome to another interview with your host, me, The Interviewer! CM: *claps in the...

Here’s a cool story by Connor

The Sticky Guess By Connor   Chapter 1     Doug stuck his hand in the box and immediately pulled it out.”Ow,” he said. He licked the side of his index finger as if it had honey on it. Chapter 2     Doug was a 17 year old boy who just got an invitation to a game...

Here is a story about Oxus from Snake

The New and Evil Oxus (as requested by Enderpriest)           The story: As many of you know, Oxus is the creeper king, who was famous for:   1#: Deserting Herobrine (in Attack of the Shadowcrafters)   2#: Being one of the only monster kings that wanted...

“Sucked into a Video Game” by Galen

Book One in the NetheriteWizardKingKNIGHT Series Sucked into a Video Game “Shape of speech!” As they played creeper tag, Max said.  His father introduced his GRG (Gun-real-to-game) later that evening. “Be that as it may, assuming I at any point see...
Echoing and Character Names

Echoing and Character Names

When I first started writing, I did a terrible job with the two topics of this post: echoing and character names. This is a problem I see in many young writers as well as some older, inexperienced writers like I was a few years ago. Echoing is the use of words...

Another cool sports story, this one by Dom

The Coach By Dom Chapter 1: The Coach The new coach seemed peculiar, and it wasn‛t just because of the third eye. The new coach did not seem like he had a lot of experience. I mean he literally had us do the plank for an hour. Worst of all he made us run around the...

Chapters 1 & 2 of “Code Luna” by Alora

Code Luna The Elites   Warning: This is a reader’s copy. I politely ask that you do not plagiarize or share without my permission. Thank you! Chapter One   According to the Law of Orbits, all planets move in elliptical orbits, with the sun at one focus. So...

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