
Give this one a read from Christian

Zach stood motionless as he basked in the glow of the mythical object, it was beautiful. Pulling open his inventory he cautiously placed the weapon in his hand. Swinging it around, it made a hissing sound as it sliced through the air like a knife slicing a piece of...

“Alex Mercer’s Adventures 1” by Anthony

Alex Mercer’s Adventures 1Inspired by Alex Rider Chapter 1: TOP SECRETThe incessant beeping of the alarm woke me up. I slapped it until it stopped. I got up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went to work like any normal person. Except I wasn’t a normal person. I...

Check out this story from Aweomeclash11

Crafter and his NPC’s walked up to their village along with more NPC’s Smithy brought,just then a beam of light struck through and out came Gameknight999. They cheered until a dark rain cloud soared over them. Every NPC screamed except for the brave warriors. After a...

Here’s another cool story from Charlie

Herobrine Returns Chapter 1: Minecraft again Gameknight999 had a tingling sensation as he went into the game. Looking around, he sighed in relief. He had spawned at his normal location, at his hidey-hole. Quickly breaking the blocks of dirt in the entrance, he grabbed...

This is Shipwrecked, by Comwiz180

Shipwrecked The most epic analogy ever Other stories by Comwiz180 Minecraft Fan Fiction: Blasted Salvation Revolution Diep.io Escape: Decampment Redemption Precipitance (Coming Soon) Operation TPoT: Operation TPoT Collab Stories: Enhanced Distrust Other: Shipwrecked...

Here’s a cool Minecraft story by Coltyn

Within the blocks By Coltyn   All the heros were still falling when they fell into another portal. Carson asked,”where are we?” “You’re in Becon town the finest little town you will ever see,”Petra responded. “Radar,”Jesse said smiling. They both hugged. Radar...

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