
Check out this story from Aweomeclash11

Crafter and his NPC’s walked up to their village along with more NPC’s Smithy brought,just then a beam of light struck through and out came Gameknight999. They cheered until a dark rain cloud soared over them. Every NPC screamed except for the brave warriors. After a...

This is a cool story by Enderdashx5x

A Destructive Reality By: Enderdashx5x 1: New School, New life, Old Memories Tommy Feynman had messed up big time. Well, he hadn’t known it yet, but soon he will. Soon he will figure out that he had cured his world-and life-with a terrible darkness. What did he...

Here’s a cool story from Garrette

 CHAPTER 1: Back into Minecraft Gameknight999 walked downstairs, ready to play his favorite game, Minecraft. It was only 7:00 in the morning, but Gameknight thought it was late enough. With the recent lifting of the ban from the Council of Crafters banning users to...

Here’s a cool Minecraft story by Coltyn

Within the blocks By Coltyn   All the heros were still falling when they fell into another portal. Carson asked,”where are we?” “You’re in Becon town the finest little town you will ever see,”Petra responded. “Radar,”Jesse said smiling. They both hugged. Radar...
Possessing Hope

Possessing Hope

The Land of the Living I smiled as Hope played with the family dog, Barky. The five-year-old shaped her hand like a claw, then slowly moved it toward Barky’s snout. The dachshund stood perfectly still, his wiener-dog shape a black and brown statue. Hope’s hand moved...

Here is “Monet’s Adventure” by Judah

 Monet’s adventure (this was based on a dream I had last night. Hope you like it.”                       Monet113 The battle between monsters and men. I dashed through the battlements with my bow in hand. Five zombies lumbered towards me. I raised my bow and...

I love this story by Joel

Battle for the Cosmo Realm By:Joel S   Chapter 1 The MRLS He waited patiently in his room. What’s taking so long? He thought. They said it’ll be here at 07:00! Maybe i shou- DING DONG!! His thoughts were cut off by the sound of  his doorbell. Finally!  Joel ran...

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