
I like this story from Thawberry

The Continuation of the Mark of the Enderman “Do you know of any nearby dungeon?”  Gameknight asked Morgana. The witch sighed in exasperation. “Finally! You’re getting there. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for somebody to ask me that! I’ve forgotten how...
Writing an Awesome HOOK!

Writing an Awesome HOOK!

In stories, the opening scene is super important. It must capture the attention of the reader like a constricting snake and refuse to let go. This scene must make the reader say to himself/herself “Wow, that’s really interesting; I wonder what’s going to happen next?”...
This is Why Perseverance Matters

This is Why Perseverance Matters

Why Perseverance Matters  Yesterday, I met with Mrs. Proler’s 4th-grade class, and I had a great time talking with her students. We had a great discussion about Perseverance and Growth-Mindset. I shared with them the many failures I had to endure when I started...


As many of you know, I started as a self-published author. I didn’t do this out of choice, rather necessity. You see, I’d written four science fiction novels and I tried to get them published. It was a disaster. I stopped counting my rejections when they...

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