
I like this story from Awesomeclash11

My day in Minecraft, ย ย ย ย ย ย ย (this is console edition)   Awesomeclash11 gathered up his swords two diamond and two Iron got his bow and three stacks of 64 arrows. He turned to his dogs โ€œWe have a night of defense ahead of us boys.โ€ exclaimed Awesomeclash11. He...
Pixar’s Storytelling Rule #4

Pixar’s Storytelling Rule #4

Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___. The above paragraph is referred to as Pixarโ€™s Rule #4.ย A Pixar storyboard artist, Emma Coats, @lawnrocket, compiled a list story wisdom she...

Here is a cool story beginning from EnderJack14

Fear clouding his mind he walked in the room standing before him were the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Xa-Tul the king of Zombies, Feyd the king of Endermen, Charybdis the king of Blazes and Reaper the king of Skeletons. They were all talking, Gameknight999 ducked...

Here’s a cool story from TheSpecial1125

The Clash of Two Armies   Hunter is a diamond miner. He mines diamond to protect his village. His goal is to be promoted to mine uranium, because it is stronger than diamond. The village has little protection and it needs a uranium miner. Hunter needs to get more...

Check out this cool story from Mace

Maceโ€™s Unexpected Adventure By: Mace(of course :P)   Epilogue   Mace was wandering around in the Gameknight999 Network lobby area. He walked by one of the Ender Dragon heads and a purple mist surrounded him. He tried sprinting out, but it was too lateโ€ฆ...
Sensory Emotions

Sensory Emotions

      While attending a writerโ€™s conference last year, I was introduced to the idea of writing about the physical effects of emotion on a character. In most of my Minecraft-inspired novels, Iโ€™d say, โ€œGameknight was overwhelmed with fear.โ€ Or โ€œFear...

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