
Here’s a GREAT story from Hyrulian_pichu

Shawny’s tale      Boom!!!      In one single moment all of the server had stopped. Gameknight999 just did something unbelievable, he had ended 20 players hard work, he had just blown up all of his future chances of joining the server. The chat room exploded...

Here’s a super interesting interview by Faith

Interview Three. File Under : Transformers, Primeverse, Bumblebee and Knockout interview.(Key: Int = Interviewer. BB = Bumblebee. KO = Knockout. CM = Camera Man{AKA Dan}.) Int: *walking while Dan holds the camera and follows him* Hello, everyone! Our last interview...

Here is another great story from Disko1738

Gameknight stepped out of his hidey hole and could tell that something was immediately wrong. He saw Crafter’s village in shambles and knew where they could be hiding:in the crafting chamber. He heard some sounds and knew exactly what they were, but not what he...

This is a cool Pokemon story by Morgan

The Wish   I looked at the bedroom window, watching as the sun sank below the rooftops of all the houses in the neighborhood. I did not, however, look at the clock. I had set a reminder on my smartwatch that would let me know when the time changed to 11:11....

Check out this cool story from WolfDude55

Chapter 1 Into Minecraft Jason got on his computer very excitedly. He was finally home from school and was ready to play Minecraft. He knew about the strange events and rumors about Gameknight999. He heard about the near crash. He was on Minecraft at the time. The...
Structure of a Chapter

Structure of a Chapter

  I’ve spoken to a lot of kids about writing over the years, and I’ve been surprised at how many of you want to write . . . I think that’s fantastic, but I’ve heard a common question from many, “I start writing my story, but it...

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